Response to “Does Driving an Electric Car Help Decarbonize the Economy?”

In Pierre-Oliver Roy’s article “Does Driving an Electric Car Help Decarbonize the Economy?” It is found that there are many different factors that contribute to why and why not electric cars could or could not be useful for lowering the amount of carbon and greenhouse gases in the air. Pierre-Oliver Roy conducted this study in … [Read more…]

Blog 18

BRAINSTORM How art is important to keep in curriculum because it is a basic tool to help teach students how to cope with stress, show their creativeness, and deal with life Talk about the STEM vs. STEAM and how YoYo Ma believes that art is a big part of learning and being a person Talk … [Read more…]

Blog 17

I chose two articles to help backup my essay. One is to explain mental health and how it is being affected on a younger generation, the other is to explain why this might be. Anxiety and other mental illnesses have reached a high throughout the American school districts. Students have reached their breaking points through … [Read more…]

Blog 16

Art is very important to many people, not only because it’s a part of history but also because it teaches us how to be human. Art shows expression and how to feel and understand one another. There is so much you can do with art and I believe that It needs to be included in … [Read more…]

Blog 14

I feel like I am achieving my annotation goals by picking out the things I can relate to, the things I find important, and the things that stick out the most. I also have been good with my commentary and my text to world/text/personal connections. Surrounding Context: The surrounding context is Yo-Yo Ma relating back … [Read more…]