Blog 3

My second time reading the article Erard wrote stuck in my head better the second time. I was able to pick up a few more things that I didn’t notice before. I was able to understand what he was saying through his words. Through my annotations I was able to add more of a break down of the text. My annotations from the first read through stayed but I went in with blue and added more, emphasized what I thought was really important, and added more description to my summaries. I enjoyed reading the metaphor about metaphors being a house just as much as I did the first time, if not more. I find that metaphor so complex and creative it just sparks a desire to want to create a metaphor. I read his personal information about his job and his works a bit negatively and critically the first time through. The second time I enjoyed hearing about his life and what kind of things he accomplished, his motives and the advice he created. I was also able to understand the paintbrush and pump metaphor better as I read it this time, I think the first time I kind of thought of like a bike pump not a water pump. Reading through text multiple times has a positive response for me, it helps me to understand the information and text better as I reread and annotate. I’ve said it before but I do find this strategy to be helpful, to be able to do things multiple times.

Clearing the fog on some terms was helpful. The first term I misunderstood was ‘psuedo-mistake’. I understand the word mistake is to do something wrong but I originally just ignored the word pseudo. To simplify the word pseudo it means false, and to be rather than stated. I had a total misunderstanding of the word before but now I cleared the fog! I also did not understand the word ‘apt’. I just kind of went along with it and hoped for the best. I’m assuming this apt means suited to a purpose. Those are my clear the fog words and it helps now knowing what they mean this time around

One Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    I am SO excited that you feel motivated to create metaphors! Go for it! Write them down and use them! I really enjoyed reading over your annotations. They look amazing, and it was fun to see the differences between your two reads. Keep up the amazing work!

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