Blog 10

I decided to reread the article by Julie Beck. I found myself liking it even more the second time. She made her statements easy to relate to and easy to distinguish. She showed that this topic of your life being a narrative was something she found important to her. Her words flowed and the examples … [Read more…]

Blog 9

My opinion about this article is, I really had a hard time understanding it. I know it was mentioned in class that it may be hard to understand but the amount of times I had to read over passages just made me dislike the article. I didn’t like it in the first place. I basically … [Read more…]

Blog 8

In Beck’s article about narratives there was a lot of information given. I found that some of the information intrigued me and seemed to have me really engaged with the text. Beck mainly talks about writing your life as a narrative, and how your life is a story. I guess I’ve always thought of my … [Read more…]

Blog 7

Do you clearly articulate how your evidence relates (i.e. supports, develops, complicates) your claim and position? This part of the rubric I find beneficial because it reminds one that quotes can’t just be thrown into a paragraph. Each quote must be backed up and explained so that your argument is supported. Also so the reader … [Read more…]

Blog 6

While reading Anne Lamott’s excerpt from her book “Bird by Bird” I found myself laughing a lot. Reading what she has to say about writing a first draft is everything that happens to me when I try to write a paper. Her talking about how she just puts whatever she can think of down onto … [Read more…]

Blog 5

Metaphors surround us, they take part in our everyday lives and they help us to understand things better. People find describing one object as another useful for getting the meaning. Metaphors don’t just survive in our everyday casual lives, they also live in our medical lives, the lives that are a little more sensitive and … [Read more…]

Blog 4

Khullar “Metaphors are a fundamental mechanism through which our minds conceptualize the world around us, especially in the face of complexity.” Metaphors are used in everyday situations and sometimes metaphors help us to shape the world. To break down information that may be hard to understand, sometimes metaphors are used so people can get the … [Read more…]

Blog 3

My second time reading the article Erard wrote stuck in my head better the second time. I was able to pick up a few more things that I didn’t notice before. I was able to understand what he was saying through his words. Through my annotations I was able to add more of a break … [Read more…]

Blog 2

Reading this article on metaphors ripped up all the different parts of how a metaphor is made and what goes into a metaphor. Michael Erard, the author of “Seeing Through Words”, explains how each metaphor is made and the process it goes through. He talks about his own personal experience but also others that he’s … [Read more…]